How Waterfront Living Makes You Happier

Waterfront Living Makes You Happier

properties also bring you away from the air pollution present in and around urban areas.

Being near the water gives you the opportunity to participate in various water activities such as swimming, fishing, surfing, and kayaking. You’ll have plenty of ways to stay fit when you live in a waterfront home.

It boosts your mental health

According to renowned marine biologist, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, living near the water improves your overall mental health and sense of well-being and happiness. His “Blue Mind” theory from his bestselling book “Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do” states that our mind triggers good thoughts when we come close to bodies of water.

Your body and mind become more relaxed

Water has a therapeutic effect on the body and mind. Seeing the blue waters, listening to the waves, and breathing in the fresh air brings your body and mind into a more relaxed state. With a calmer mind, your serotonin, the happy chemical that contributes to happiness, increases. Activities like meditating or yoga are also effortless because you can easily connect with nature and let go of your thoughts.

Your productivity and creativity increases

A calmer mind also leads to increased productivity and creativity. The peace and tranquility of the water helps your brain concentrate and focus on your current tasks. As you are less distracted from the tasks of daily life, the creative ideas are able to flow.

Your immune system becomes stronger

Due to the decrease in stress and increased relaxation, your immune system gets stronger as well. And when you spend the right amount of time outdoors, you can get optimal levels of Vitamin D from the sun to provide your skin and body with the nutrients that it needs.

You get to sleep better

There’s no doubt that the sound of water has a calming effect on most people. Whether it’s the ocean waves crashing on the shore or any other water movement, being near a body of water helps clear the mind and allows you to relax into deeper sleep. A good night’s rest is vital in preparing the body for the next day. It also improves concentration, productivity, and comprehension.

Make the most out of your waterfront lifestyle when you buy one of the stunning waterfront homes for sale in Charleston, SC. Get in touch with Robert Taylor Luxury Properties today. Feel free to reach us at 949.338.8885 or via email at RobertJSTaylor(at)gmail(dotted)com.

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